Christian Mesía Martínez

Doctoral Thesis 2015
El Procedimiento de Denuncia Interna Whistleblowing y Regulación por las Normas de Gobierno Corporativo
Christian Mesía Martínez is the partner responsible for the areas of Regulatory Compliance – Compliance – and criminal law. Practicing lawyer for more than 18 years. Doctor of Law and University Professor. He studied law at the Complutense University of Madrid and obtained a doctorate at the San Pablo CEU University, whose thesis title is “The whistleblowing internal complaint procedure and its regulation by the Corporate Governance norms”.
Christian specializes in corporate criminal law, regulatory compliance -compliance- and international criminal law. He is also the “compliance officer” of numerous national and international companies and actively collaborates with the CEOE in programs related to the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons, the “compliance” and good governance programs of the company.
During his 17 years of professional practice, Christian has practiced as a lawyer specialized in criminal law, defending both natural and legal persons, national and foreign. He is one of the lawyers that the vast majority of international Consulates in Spain recommend to their citizens in criminal matters.
Regarding his connection with the university world, Christian is a Professor at the San Pablo CEU and Carlos III universities, at the Instituto de Empresa, at the ESCP Europe Business School and at EUDE. He has been a speaker at numerous seminars and round tables on Corporate Social Responsibility and other current issues related to his areas of expertise. He is co-author of the manual “Corporate Governance and Responsibility of Administrators (Aranzadi publishing house) and has written numerous articles in relevant economic newspapers. He has been a member of the jury in the prestigious League of Practical Cases of the San Pablo CEU University.